Stocksbridge, South Yorkshire, England

A616 Stocksbridge Bypass

A616 Stocksbridge Bypass

The bypass was opened in May 1988 and is a road that links the M1 motorway at Junction 35A (and J36) to the Woodhead Pass (one of the main trans-Pennine roads from Sheffield to Manchester) bypassing the towns of Stocksbridge and Deepcar.


The road has attracted media attention due to the high collision rate and fatalities that have occured here. However, it is also reputed to be a very haunted road. According to Jones, the area on which the bypass was constructed was the burial place for a monk, as well as the location where a number of children died after falling into mine shafts. In both cases, their eternal rest was disturbed by the work. Construction workers allegedly reported the sounds of children singing, security guards witnessed children wearing old-fasioned clothing who just faded away infront of them. A headless cloaked apparition was also reported. Police Officers and the public have also reported unusual encounters here.


For further information, please read Haunted Britain by Richard Jones.


Visitor Information

Stocksbridge is a small town in the City of Sheffield, in South Yorkshire, England.

It lies just to the east of the Peak District. The town is located in the steep-sided valley of the Little Don River, below the Underbank Reservoir.

Pictured left is a view of the Stocksbridge Bypass courtesy of Wendy North. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.